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Re: Show me the money Re: Donations to Debian

From: George Bonser <grep@oriole.sbay.org>
> maybe debian should just
> put the updates in a directory called 1.3-updates and not use symlinks to
> point updates packages to the updates from the base 1.3 tree.

Guy Maor, the person who does the work of maintaining the archive, rejected
the above scheme. He felt that putting the updates in the directory with the
rest of the system was better, and he is the person who does the work so I let
him decide. He used to maintain the updates directory and a bunch of symlinks
so that you had a directory containing the original system with the updates
overlaid upon it, and he says it was a big hassle and confused lots of users.

> This would make mirroring easier as the 1.3 tree would (in theory) never
> change and mirrors would only have to keep the 1.3-updates directory up to
> date.

I think the intent is that you let dselect do the FTP for you.


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