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Re: Show me the money Re: Donations to Debian

>>"Dave" == Dave Cinege <dcinege@psychosis.com> writes:

Dave> The new version naming scheme and control is based on politics
Dave> and not technical reasons.

	But it is not technically inferior to the previous naming
 convention in any way. 

Dave> If the orginization were not invloded in promotions, and makings
Dave> CD-Rom, they could get back to simply working towards the
Dave> orginazation of a quality product.  Thats their purpose as far
Dave> as I'm concerned, not worring about if CD makers can keep their
Dave> stock up to date.

	Then you are naive. The best product (Betamax,apple) can die
 out if absolutely no effort is made to promote it. And it is not as
 if we decided on a technically inferior naming scheme. 

	I don't see why you are making such a mountain out of this. In
 any case, your perception of the Projects purpose may not be relevant
 to the people who comprise the project. We think we can a quality
 free product without ignoring our commercial friends. (Oh, yes, we do
 have commercially inclined friends, though this may shock you).

 You can't tell which way the train is going by looking at the
 tracks. unknown
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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