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Re: heard all the who-haha?

 >Debian 1.3.1 sports a who which many are saying is "slow" while others
>are saying the slowness is due to slow named servers. Were there
>any notable changes leading up the the /usr/bin/who which came with
>shellutils 1.16-2?

I've been reading this thread with quite some interest as I have a similar
problem albeit with different applications....   I guess it's time for me to
say something.

I've been experiencing problems with some people telnetting into my system.
Many people don't have a problem, but others do....  The problem is that the
telnet client says "connected"; however, there is no response from my system
for 150 seconds - 2.5 minutes!  Once the client finally gets the response,
everything is fine from there.  No more delays, no more problems.

Putting the client IP/hostname into /etc/hosts resolves this problem;
however, this is an impractical solution.

Any ideas?


Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
Kevin@Baan-BBS.CA  (604) 882-8169

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