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Re: Using procmail to filter and MH to read.

"Peter S Galbraith" wrote:
-> Looking for advice here...
-> Suppose I use procmail as my delivery agent (instead of deliver)
-> and MH (actually mh-e in Emacs) to read mail.
-> What do people do to separate out (filter) the Debian mailing?
-> Do you use a new sendmail ruleset?  Or some /etc/procmail or 
-> ~/.procmailrc file?
-> Does the filtering drop the mail directly into a folder, or better yet
-> produce another mail drop that can be included using MH's inc'ed, e.g.  
->  inc -file /var/spool/mail/galbraith-Debian
-> That would be neat...  I could use standard xbiff-like programs
-> (like xbuffy) to monitor the mail, and inc the spool file directly into
-> a distinct mail folder.
-> --
-> Peter Galbraith, research scientist             <galbraith@mixing.qc.dfo.ca>
-> Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
-> P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada  418-775-0852 - FAX 418-775-0546
-> --

i don't use MH, but i've used procmail before.  you can simply set a
rule in ~/.procmailrc to (re)direct mail to a file.  for example:

:0 f
* ^To: debian-user@lists.debian.org

in this case, the "debian" file resides in MAILDIR, which must be
specified in the beginning of .procmailrc (e.g., MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail)
the resulting mail file is in no particular format, other than the
format initially delivered to your system.

considering that i'm fairly new to the Debian set (after being a Redhat
user for a while), i'm sure there are other (possibly better ways) to
do this, but this has worked for me in the past.

hope this helps,

Andy Kahn  (kahn@zk3.dec.com)        Phone: 603-884-2557 (DTN: 264-2557)
Digital Equipment Corporation        Fax  : 603-881-2257

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