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Re: Using procmail to filter and MH to read.

>>Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 >Looking for advice here...
 >Suppose I use procmail as my delivery agent (instead of deliver)
 >and MH (actually mh-e in Emacs) to read mail.
 >What do people do to separate out (filter) the Debian mailing?
 >Do you use a new sendmail ruleset?  Or some /etc/procmail or 
 >~/.procmailrc file?

Put the following in your ~/.procmailrc:

* ^FROMdebian-user.*
| /usr/lib/mh/rcvstore +debian-user

emaziuk at curtin dot edu dot au
Mirrors and copulation are abominable because they multiply entities
		(corollary to Occam's Razor)

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