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Re: PPP: PAP Problems

>>>>> On 28 Jul 1997 09:40:47 -0500, Ben Gertzfield <che@imsa.edu> said:

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Weiss <Peter.Weiss@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE> writes:
Peter> Hello out there, trying to set up PPP I run in the
Peter> following problem: Chat dials, connection is
Peter> established. But the authentification fails.

Peter> My ISP-sysop says it tries to connect using CHAP,
Peter> though only PAP is available. So where to tell pppd to use
Peter> PAP? I put comments around +pap and +chap lines in the
Peter> options file which is meant to be used for a ppp server
Peter> setup.

Ben> Add 'user peter' (or whatever your username is) to the end of
Ben> /etc/ppp.options_out. 

Yes, I did that. Now it accesses the pap-secret files, after adding the "+ua
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets" option in ppp.options_out as well.

Ben> I'm pretty sure this is in the /usr/doc/ppp/README. 

The docs are really confusing and not telling the truth. For example: The
syntax of my pap secrets is <User> <Password>, each on a seperate line! I
found this from the log file where pppd reported using the whole line as my
user name.

Peter> Another question is: There are more then one number to
Peter> dial to my ISP. So same resolv.conf but different chat
Peter> scripts. Would you solve this using a shell based dialer
Peter> script to dial in or are there security risks?

Ben> Why not just make a copy of /usr/bin/pon, maybe call it
Ben> /usr/local/bin/pon-2, and edit it to use a different ppp.chatscript?

Well, this would work, but what I'd like to have is to have pppd dial the
second number if the first is busy.


Peter Weiss, Sonnenstraße 17, D-26123 Oldenburg, Tel:  0441/ 81058
-- Slow has got 4 letters so has calm; speed has got 5 letters so has death --

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