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PPP: PAP Problems

Hello out there,

    trying to set up PPP I run in the following problem: Chat dials,
    connection is established. But the authentification fails.

    My ISP-sysop says it tries to connect using CHAP, though only PAP is
    available. So where to tell pppd to use PAP? I put comments around +pap
    and +chap lines in the options file which is meant to be used for a ppp
    server setup.

    Another question is: There are more then one number to dial to my ISP. So
    same resolv.conf but different chat scripts. Would you solve this using a
    shell based dialer script to dial in or are there security risks?

      TIA -- Peter

Peter Weiss, Sonnenstraße 17, D-26123 Oldenburg, Tel:  0441/ 81058
-- Slow has got 4 letters so has calm; speed has got 5 letters so has death --

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