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Odd situation with netware and netatalk

First, thanks to Lindsay Allen for getting me started on this and his
patience with a cranky kernel compile:

I had orignially been using a debian box as a file server with Netware and
Appletalk clients.  On upgrade to 1.3, that functionalilty was left out of
the precompiled kernel, forcing me to make a custom kernel.  In the end,
as netatalk is breaking whenever a wrong password was entered (boy, was
that a fun one to track down!) I found going back to rex's library
independent package took care of the problem as far as I am concerned.

One other problem has yet to go away.  On large file transfers between the
debian box as client and a Netware server, using ipx/ncpfs modules, the
connection will fail to continue and lock up the writing process, which
will eventually zombie itself out.  

Does anyone have a fix for this problem?  Comments?

bking@clark.net][ http://www.clark.net/pub/bking/pgpkey.asc for PGP key. 

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