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Re: PPP: PAP Problems

> Peter> Another question is: There are more then one number to
> Peter> dial to my ISP. So same resolv.conf but different chat
> Peter> scripts. Would you solve this using a shell based dialer
> Peter> script to dial in or are there security risks?
> Ben> Why not just make a copy of /usr/bin/pon, maybe call it
> Ben> /usr/local/bin/pon-2, and edit it to use a different ppp.chatscript?
> Well, this would work, but what I'd like to have is to have pppd dial the
> second number if the first is busy.

As a suggestion, take a look at the DialD connect script. 

It is configured to use multiple numbers.  It will "roll-over" to another
number if the current one fails for any reason.  I've used this feature and
it works well.

It would probably be pretty easy to adapt the code from this script to work
with pon and solve your problem....


Kevin Traas			Baan Business Systems
Systems Analyst		Langley, BC, Canada
Kevin@Baan-BBS.CA		(604) 882-8169

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