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inn upgrade kills innd!

I tried tonight to upgrade various packages with my Debian 1.3.1
CD-ROM.  Mostly it went well, but innd now fails to load!  I purged
the package and reinstalled the original inn package, but they both 
fail with variations of this message:

Jul 26 23:54:06 carlf innd: /var/lib/news/history cant dbminit ME Math
argument out of domain of func

I've repeatedly run makehistory, which does nothing.

I'm assuming I've got a bad library somewhere, but in the typical
fashion of such programs *there's no way to tell where* unless one is
also a c programmer.  I am not.

What can I do to recover, short of wiping the partition and restoring
everything from my (complete but slow and awkward) backup?  Clearly
just restoring the news programs files won't help, since they've been
uninstalled and reinstalled already.

(Boy, I'm glad this isn't a server.)
Carl Fink		carlf@dm.net
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

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