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Host/nslookup, sendmail, bash

I'm having problems configuring sendmail to deliver mail to person@cs.
I've configured my domain as "cs.washington.edu", with a search path (in
resolv.conf) of cs.washington.edu, washington.edu, and edu.  However,
sendmail doesn't appear to try other entries in the search path because it
bounces the message with an error like "host cs.cs.washington.edu not
found."  How can I fix that?

Also, does anyone know why Debian makes nslookup a wrapper for host, and
how I can install a "real" version of nslookup?

One more question: bash 2.0 doesn't appear to understand a command line
which worked in bash 1.14:

% /bin/bash -c '((xli foo.gif); echo bar) &'
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: missing closing `)' for arithmetic expression
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: `((xli foo.gif); echo bar) &'

A command like this is hardcoded into Netscape to launch an external image
viewer as a helper application.  Is this a bug in bash?

(Debian 1.3, haven't upgraded to 1.3.1 yet)


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