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Re: Host/nslookup, sendmail, bash

> I'm having problems configuring sendmail to deliver mail to person@cs.
> I've configured my domain as "cs.washington.edu", with a search path (in
> resolv.conf) of cs.washington.edu, washington.edu, and edu.  However,
> sendmail doesn't appear to try other entries in the search path because it
> bounces the message with an error like "host cs.cs.washington.edu not
> found."  How can I fix that?

I don't know the answer to this...but did you try removing your domain
entry from your resolv.conf file to see if that made a difference (so that
there are only nameserver lines and a search line)?   On my system, those
two don't work too well together.  In the man page, it says they are
mutually exclusive, but then I read from someone else that they aren't on
linux.  In any case, having only a search line works for me.

> Also, does anyone know why Debian makes nslookup a wrapper for host, and
> how I can install a "real" version of nslookup?

The real nslookup is part of the 'bind' package.  

> One more question: bash 2.0 doesn't appear to understand a command line
> which worked in bash 1.14:
> % /bin/bash -c '((xli foo.gif); echo bar) &'
> /bin/bash: -c: line 1: missing closing `)' for arithmetic expression
> /bin/bash: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
> /bin/bash: -c: line 1: `((xli foo.gif); echo bar) &'
> A command like this is hardcoded into Netscape to launch an external image
> viewer as a helper application.  Is this a bug in bash?

Not being a bash user, I don't know the answer to this. If spaces between
parens shouldn't matter, then it is a bug...
Note that /bin/bash -c '( (xli foo.gif); echo bar) &'  *does* work!

Since this is hardcoded, the other thing you could do as a kluge is to
remove the inner parens as well and replace them with spaces.


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