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samba newbie help request

I've installed 1.3.1 on a machine at work. It's on a (physical) network
with a bunch of Windows boxes running NT, Win95 and WFW3.x. I've added
TCPIP stacks to one NT machine and one Win95 machine, set IP addresses,
and the two Windows boxes and the Linux box can all ping one another
at will.  :-)

Samba from bo is installed (with no problems) on the Linux box.

What I'm looking for is the absolute minimum /etc/smb.conf that will
allow me to share a directory, say /tmp, on the Linux box with the
Windows box.

I've RTFM'd until I'm blue in the eyes, but I'm missing something. The
best I can do is make the Linux box visible to the Windows boxes (it shows
up in their browse lists), but any attempt to access the Linux box results
in a very long timeout followed by some sort of "unable to access" message.

If someone can post or email me a minimal smb.conf, or direct me to to a
FM that I've missed it will be much appreciated.

BTW, printing is _not_ an issue at this point -- the Linux box is not yet
set up to print locally, so it's not at all interested in serving a printer
to the rest of the network.


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