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Re: 3Com Fast Etherlink XL

Hello Jonh,

> I did it by getting the 3c59x.c file and just compiling it
> using the compile line shown at the bottom of the file.
> Then I copied the 3c59x.o file to /lib/modules/<version>/net/3c59x.o
> (copying original out of way)
> and rebooting.
thanks for your prompt reply.  As I mentioned to Thomas I am unable to
obtain the necessary development packages at this stage as I cannot
"communicate" with my linux system.  Getting the necessarey development
packages and installing them using diskettes would be the only viable
solution, but that might be too many diskettes and seems somewaht
cubersome to do. 

Thomas is going to provide me with a precompiled patched 3c90x.o for the
2.0.29 kernel (thanx Thomas!).  I will then do as you mentioned and
hopefully I will be online! :-)

I do have a question though (well more of a curiosity).  I read that one
should always "notify" debian package utility of any manual changes or
else it will not know that I updated that particular file/module to a
newer updated version.  Should I not (and how is the question ;) )
"notify" the dpkm utility of the changes?  I guess this would avoid future
upgrades to the debian kernel or its modules (which may not still include
this updated driver) from overwriting my change?  Mmmm am I making any
sense??? ;-)



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