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bash won't see existing binaries

After installing the 'unstable' package wn_1.17.11-1.deb the installation
failed with a (for me) mysterious error: bash says "/usr/sbin/wn: No such file
or directory", and the same thing with all other executables which belongs to
WN, but all files _are_ correctly installed (in my opinion).

The binaries really are in /usr/sbin, they have the same file permissions as
all other files in the same dir (ls -l says "-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root
86232 Jun 9 21:28 /usr/sbin/wn"), which wn says "/usr/sbin/wn", but the server
won't start at all -- neither through inetd nor as standalone (swn).

Is there an explanation (and better: a solution) to this strange behaviour?

Clueless              Joachim

Joachim Trinkwitz                            email: jtr@uni-bonn.de
CIP-Pool Anglistik, Germanistik,             phone: 0228-737565
      Romanistik, Skandinavistik             fax:   0228-737479
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet   Am Hof 1d,  D-53113 Bonn,  Germany

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