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diald problems...

Hi, I'm trying to set diald up at home.  I'm using Debian 1.3.  My network connection 
is a modem using PPP to my ISP.  My ISP dynamically assigns both local and remote 
IP addresses for this link.  I've been using PPP manually for some time now, so 
have a working connection script.  The symptoms of the problem are that if I try to 
do something that requires the network to be up, diald dials, connects to my ISP, and
the PPP link seems to get setup properly.  However, I can send no traffic to my ISP.
In examining the routing table, is seems that the only route to my ISP is a host route
that is set up when the PPP network interface is configured.  There is a default route
to the SLIP network interface.  I'm using the 'defaultroute' option in diald (my
diald.options file is included below), which sets this route up initially.  I was sort
of expecting that this route would be deleted and a new default route added for the
PPP interface.  If I manually do delete the default route and add a new one for the PPP
interface, everything works fine as now I have both a good network interface and a route
to use it.  If I remove the 'defaultroute' option from the diald.options file, then 
diald dosn't dial (which is the way it works, I understand, as it needs to recv pkts at 
the psuedo interface to start the dialing process).  

I've played with all (I think) of the options that seem to be pertinent from the man 
pages but can't seem to solve this problem.  Does anyone have any ideas??


-- diald.options ------------------------

# Device Configuration
mode ppp
connect /etc/ppp/scripts/ppp-on
device /dev/cua1
speed 115200

# Network Configuration
mtu 576
mru 576
addroute /etc/diald/addroute

# Get the standard filter policy
include /etc/diald/standard.filter

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