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Re: rxvt ignores x resource settings?

Joey - 

Seems like you may've got your answer already, but I'd like to toss this
in: at some point, I don't now remember when, my rxvt stopped paying
attention to X resources written as "RXvt*", but would recognize them
written as "rxvt*", all lowercase.  I'm pretty sure it was a Debian rxvt
before and after, but I can't swear to it; I've built ones for
/usr/local/ once or twice.  I'd be curious to see if this made any
difference on your system.  Thanks -

(And, hey, while I'm at it, thanks for all your packages and pdmenu. :-)
I have, let's see, 9 packages installed on my machine, and also pdmenu
being used by many people on some not-yet-Debian machines.)

Ed Donovan					ed@capecod.net

>>>>> "Joey" == Joey Hess <joey@kite.ml.org> writes:

    Joey> Peter S Galbraith:
    >> > Gee, sounds exactly like the debian version, which mentions
    >> just these > features in its changelog.
    >> rxvt latest is v2.21

    Joey> Debian version is 2.20. I don't see anything to fix my problem
    Joey> in the changelog for 2.21. (Another poster on this thread
    Joey> pointed ouyt the problem is that rxvt doesn't use standard X
    Joey> resources and parses the file directly.)
    >> My rule of bug fixing is to not bother fixing old versions, and
    >> to start with the latest version.  If you find and fix a bug,
    >> where does it go?  Debian only?  XFree?  Or at the real source
    >> where it belongs?

    Joey> If the debian maintainer fixed it, it would be merged upstream
    Joey> into the real source, of course (assumming the author
    Joey> accepeted the fix).

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