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Re: apcupsd, genpower, and PowerShute(TM) "Black" cable.

> I have just tried to get two APC Smart UPS v/s 650s up and running in my
> department but unfortunately, genpower does not support the cable, a black
> PowerShute(TM)  cable with serial number 940-0024C.

Genpower 1.0.1-4 does have support for the Win95 "Plug-n-Play" cable (serial
number 940-0095A).

> However, when I ran gentest in every way possible
> using the black cable, there was no signal at all.

The black cable you mention does not have sufficient wires for the dumb
signalling method used by genpower.  The black cable is essentially nothing
more than a TxD/RxD dumb modem between the UPS and the computer and some
loopback to make sure the computer's serial port is happy.

> 1) Does anyone know how I can figure out a new cable specification for the
>    940-0024C when gentest and statserial are no help?

Cable	Computer
~~~~~	~~~~~~~~
2 RxD	2 TxD
3 TxD	1 RxD
	4 DTR, 1 DCD
	7 RTS, 8 CTS

> 2) I have found another non-debian package called apcupsd which does
>    support this cable and most other APC cables. It also supports smart
>    mode which is not supported in genpower. Moreover, it is GPLd. I would
>    be happy to package this for debian if there is no objections/some
>    demand.

I tried using "apcd" at one point which supported smart-signalling.
Unfortunately, it did system shutdown itself instead of telling the
system to shut down and this was unacceptable.

Using the PnP cable, genpower is exactly what I need.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

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