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using rescue disk

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I am trying to learn how to use the rescue disks. I got the files for the
rescue disk, for the root disk, and the drivers disk from Debian 1.3.
I used rawrite to put them on floppies (one each). I boot with the rescue
disk in the (dos) a: drive. I have tried several different rescue coomands
but each of them produces "unable to mount root fs on 01:00",
when I say simply"rescue", or "0f:d0" when I say "rescue root=fd0"
 or "00:0f" when I say "rescue root=floppy0". It works ok if I say "rescue
root=/dev/hda3"; if I say rescue root=/dev/fd0" it does ask for the root floppy
but fails with "02:00". I've searched for the correct syntax but can't find it.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.

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