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innxmit for Debian Gnu/Linux?

Question:  in the Suck manpage, reference is made to using "innxmit"
to pass transferred articles to innd.

However, innxmit doesn't exist on my Debian 1.2 box, whereis reports
only a man page, and a search on www.debian.org indicates that there's
no innxmit package.

A quick archie search shows innxmit existing only in various BSD and
freeBSD distributions.  I have downloaded the c archive from the
yggdrasil mirror on hensa, but I'm no c programmer and there's no
guarantee I'll be able to compile it right.

So:  any plan to create a Debian package of innxmit?  Combining it
with suck sure seems like a great way for a single user to get news.

Or, if not:  any other way to import suck-transferred articles to an
innd newsfeed?  I'm using tinynews now, but it's a bit primitive and
lacks a killfile.

Thanks in advance.
Carl Fink		carlf@dm.net
Manager, Computer Discussion Forum, Dueling Modems

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