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(fwd) Re: Is Debian linux part of Microsoft? (fwd)

Slightly off topic .. but is still just as important.

I saw this post in the comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup and it was
something that I personally feel that others should look at.  Mail the
Developers since this post was directed somewhat towards them.

Chad D. Zimmerman

In article <5nrg7q$lhj@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk>,
Ben Bullock  <bullock@pcae.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>The last time I looked at anything done by Debian linux was the
>"Debian patch" for gmp, the Gnu multiple precision library.  I found a
>mistake within one minute of looking at it.  This mistake had been
>introduced by one Mr. Ian Jackson of Cambridge university.  I did
>report his mistake to him, but he didn't reply.

I get an awful lot of mail, as you might expect.  I don't remember
seeing a message from you.  Could you please tell me when you sent me
this message, and from what email address ?  The Message-ID would be
useful too.  I do not delete mail sent to me personally (as opposed to
that sent to a mailing list or from cron), so I will have a copy of it
somewhere, but I need to know where to look.  If you still have a copy
I'd appreciate it if you would post it here.

Others have pointed out that the Debian Project have a bug tracking
system which will ensure that bug reports do not get lost even if
developers happen to miss or lose the email in question.  The Project
would like you to submit your bug reports there.

>I agree that is very odd indeed that no-one else on ucam.comp.linux
>(my local newsgroup about linux where followups to this message are
>directed) ever has any problems at all with Debian linux.  Even when I
>point out exactly where the bug is, in great detail, I still get
>hordes of foaming-at-the-mouth loonies shouting at me and blaming my
>incompetence for everything.  This is odd.

Suffice it to say that those of us on this newsgroup who read your
postings have a different view of the matter.

>What could possibly explain this phenomenon, apart from widespread
>mental illness?  I note that Bill Gates lately said that he regards
>free software as one of his biggest competitors, and further note that
>he is planning to give Cambridge university large quantities of money.
>I wonder how much money Ian Jackson and his fellow Debian "developers"
>such as Peter Benie and Martin Hardcastle are going to get from Bill
>Gates by distributing their mangled versions of free software packages
>and thus putting people off free software for life?

Please retract this libellous allegation immediately.  If you do not
do so I shall contact your postmaster and/or take legal action against
you (and/or them, if they fail to act appropriately).

Ian Jackson                  personal email: <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk>
These opinions are my own.        http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~ijackson/
PGP2 public key id 0x23f5addb, fingerprint 5906F687 BD03ACAD 0D8E602E FCF37657

Chad D. Zimmerman

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