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Upgrade path to 1.3

Hi debians,

I followed closely the recent discussions regarding 1.3 - and finally decided to join the herd. Please excuse the use of the bandwidth.

I have a standalone Debian 1.2 machine ;( - so here is what I plan to do:

1. Identify all packages that where updated on 1.3 and dld them, including
   the Packages file.

2. Updating dpkg:
   dpkg --clear-avail
   dpkg -i ldso_*.deb
   dpkg -i libc5_*.deb
   dpkg -i dpkg_*.deb      (must I reinstall dpkg-ftp, it hasn't changed !)
   dpkg --purge --force-depends texbin

3. Updating Packages: 
   dpkg --update-avail Packages.gz

4. Pouring all the updated packages onto the Linux machine (see step 1).

5. Letting dselect update all packages.

6. Updating the kernel using the kernel-image package through dselect.
                                   (which kernel is preferred: 29 or 30 ?)

Any comment ???
Matiss Horodishtiano
P.O.Box 1175,
Kfar-Saba 44111, ISRAEL
Phone:  972-9-7650177
Fax:    972-9-7661463
E-mail: softcorp@netvision.net.il

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