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Re: Xemacs wont install

>>>>> "CF" == Carl Flippin <krow0612@uia.net> writes:

CF> When I did my initial debian installation, I chose to install
CF> emacs ratger that Xemacs because I wasn't sure if I would be
CF> running Xwindows. Now that I am using Xwindows, I attempted to
CF> install the

The "plain" Emacs (GNU Emacs) works very nice under X windows. Some
though prefer XEmacs.

CF> xemacs* packages. dpkg complained that Xemacs conflicts with
CF> emacs.  When I tried to remove emacs, it complained that auctex,
CF> W3-el, etc require emacs. How does one remove emacs and, are there
CF> any packages which require emacs which wouldn't work under Xemacs?

Most of these packages come standard with XEmacs. So they will be
there when you install XEmacs.

 Emilio C. Lopes <mailto:Emilio.Lopes@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE>

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