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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

> I also find the idea of forcing the newbie into a particular X/Window
> Manager configuration somewhat disturbing. One of the many reasons I
> like Debian is that my PC looks like _my_ PC.
> So far I like the mc approach best.
> John Foster

1) If we settled on some kind of a default, the system could be pretty
much self-configuring.

2) You can't force anything on a newbie.  Since they probably do not know
what X is, they will be happy to have a more functional X system at
startup and they can ALWAYS change it. Even COL has twm and olvm options
in that same popup menu under the "Desktop" selections.  I know that COL
is a commercial system and I am not suggesting that Debian should be as
extensive, I am simply expressing my opinion that it can be made a bit
more functional "right out of the box" and have easy to find documentation
a click away from the desktop.

George Bonser
grep@oriole.sbay.org, grep@concentric.net

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