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Problem getting German Umlaute


I recently installed Debian 1.2 on my notebook and everything went fine.
Almost everything. While I am duly impressed by Debian's complex package
management system and wide range of packages, I seem to fail in the
simple task of getting it to display German Umlaute ("a, "o, "u, sz (if
your mailer can handle them, they should look like this: ä, ö, ü, ß)),
or, for that matter, any accented letters (´e, etc.). At install time I
_did_ indicate, when prompted, a German keyboard. I read the
German-HOWTO and tried "setfont lat1u-16.psf" and "loadkeys de-latin1",
with the result that pressing the Umlaut keys produced beeps instead of
funny characters, or vice versa. All the above is true of the text
console; I haven't installed X. Funny thing is, when supposed to enter
my user name at the login prompt, I _do_ get correctly displayed Umlaute
on pressing their keys; then, of course, login tells me it didn't
recognize my spelling exercise as a valid user; and on second trial at
the login prompt it doesn't work anymore; neither does it at the console
(I tried tcsh and bash); and emacs, too, doesn't recognize Umlaute (and
yes, I did add the German-HOWTOs lines to my .emacs-file). Updating to
Debian-1.3-development (from March) didn't do any good, either. Any help
out there?

PS. My Umlaute are rendered as follows: pressing "a results in d, "o in
v, "u in |, sz in _, ´e in i, etc.

At a loss,
Stefan Baums
Universitaet Goettingen

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