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Re: Setting up news

On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Tim O'Brien wrote:

> I'm trying to set up a news server on my LAN. I have IPmasquerading running
> to allow the other computers access to the Internet through one 28.8 modem
> and a standard PPP account, as well as diald for demand dialing at night
> and constant connection during the day. 

This is similar to my home network. Difference is I have a smaller
lan and I call the ISP once an hour to get mail, and news and post
mail and news. I use inn and suck.

> Here's what I'm trying to do: 
> I want to use suck and a news server (which one?) to run a server that will
> update itself at night, when the bandwidth demand on the system is lowest. 
> Here's the questions I've yet to answer: 
> 1. Which news server should I use? This is a small network of about 10
> machines, most of them Winbloze95 but a few Linux.

The only problem with inn might be memory. It tends to take all it can

> 2. Since I have 'normal' access to the NNTP server, suck is the program
> I'll need to collect news, right? 


> 3. How would I get the new posts onto the ISP's "real" news server for
> distribution? 

Debian installs a script called get-news to automate the suck/post cycle.
I believe with inn it uses rpost to send the news to the isp's server.

> 4. Is there any documentation anywhere that explains explicitly how to do
> this? I've tried my books (running Linux and Linux Secrets), but they (and
> the howto) focus on a Slackware installation. How do I do it with Debian? 

I know of no book that covers news well. Seems like the install under
Debian took care of most of the setup. Other than that I printed some
of the man pages and some information from /usr/doc/inn and possibly
other /usr/doc directories. Seems like once I did this, everything just
fell in place. Don't recall any major problems anyway. If it had been hard
I would remember more about what I had to do.

> If you've made it this far, thanks for reading my long-winded post. Any and
> all help would be greatly appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Tim O'Brien
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> Linux 2.0.6 i486                   Because reboots are for upgrades!
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