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Re: [Q] update-menus broken in 1.3?

Sudhakar Chandrasekharan:
> That worked.  As you said, there *should* be another way to specify
> local packages.  Though I can understand why update-menus does not add
> an item if the package is not installed.

My preference is that a new test be added (or it might already exist, for
all I know), like:

?file(/usr/local/bin/vim): ...

Then the menu entry shows up if the file exists. This would be useful for
local stuff.

The menu package used to allow any menu file starting with "local" to ignore
whether the package was installed or not, so you could make a local.vim menu
file. However, then the menu package changed a lot of things, and this no
longer works.

> Another question.  I know this might be a FAQ.
> If I want to install a package that is not part of the Debian
> distribution, how do I go about it?  I think there are two scenarios
> here -
> * foo.tar.gz contains the binaries, libs etc.

Assumming there is a complete directory tree in here, (ie, the binaries are
in a subdirectory usr/bin, etc, inside the tar file) use
alien foo.tar.gz and a debian package will be generated.

Otherwise, you unpack it and install by hand into /usr/local, just like with
any other linux system

> * foo.tar.gz contains the source.  Ie. I have to compile the program
> before I install it.
> I have currently been bypassing the dpkg mechanism and installing these
> packages under /usr/local tree.

Nothing else to do, unless you want to learn how to build debian packages.
There is a document that teaches the basics you need to build debian
packages, but I forget the url.

see shy jo

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