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[Q] update-menus broken in 1.3?

I have spent the last couple of hours trying to customize my fvwm2
setup.  I basically want to add stuff to the default menus that comes
with Debian.  I tried the following -

* Moved /usr/lib/menu/default/vim to /etc/menu/vim and ran
update-menus.  Then quit X and restarted it.  Don't find vim under
/Apps/Editors (which is where it is supposed to put in).

* Moved /usr/lib/menu/default/vim to ~/.menu/vim and did the same as
above.  Still no vim in my Apps/Editors

* Moved /usr/lib/menu/default/vim to /usr/lib/menu/vim (I know.  I am
not supposed to do that.  But just wanted to find out if update-menu was
broken).  Ran the update scripts and restarted X.  Still to no avail.

What am I missing?

   "Jesus saves!  But wouldn't it be better if he has invested?"
Sudhakar Chandrasekharan                            (415) 937-2354 (O)
International Web Engineer Type of Guy              (415) 940-1896 (H)

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