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Re: LPRng and remote HP Laserjet 4M

In article <Pine.LNX.3.95q.970510160342.360A-100000@poynting.phy.ulaval.ca> you wrote:
: I just install lprng on our debian box. I happy to see that lprm work
: correctly (with lpr we need to be root to used lprm). However, i have some
: problems. Our HP Laserjet 4M has a ethernet card.

Ok.  I'm using a Laserjet Series II (ancient) with a JetDirect EX box, which
works just like your setup.

: 1)lpq doesn't appear to work correctly. If nothing is in the print
: queue, everything goes well and i receive the message:
: Printer: lp is text@
: JetDirect lpd: no entries
: However, if something is in the print queue, i receive the error message:
: Printer: lp is text@
: Host '' - cannot open connection to 'text@' -
: Connection refused

This is absolutely correct.  You are using the lpd emulation in the JetDirect
card on your laser printer.  That emulation only allows one connection at a
time since it has no queue and is just pasing data to the printer.  Therefore,
if a job is busy printing, you can't get a second lpd connection to the card
to request status information.  You can't have everything...

: 2)If think that the filter doesn't work properly because if i print text
: document with specific french caracters (caracters with accents) the
: caracteres printed are not right.
: My /etc/printcap is:
:         :lp=
:         :rm= 
:         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/PS_600dpi-letter-auto-mono
:         :lf=/var/spool/lpd/PS_600dpi-letter-auto-mono/log 
:         :af=/var/spool/lpd/PS_600dpi-letter-auto-mono/acct
:         :if=/usr/lib/apsfilter/filter/aps-PS_600dpi-letter-auto-mono 
:         :rp=text
:         :mx#0
:         :sh
: Anyone can help me? I try to read in the doc but
: it's to hudge. If anyone used succesfully LPRng and filter with a ethernet
: Laserjet printer, i would appreciate to obtain copy of it's configuration
: files.

I can't help with the French-specific issues, but I'm using lprng with
magicfilter quite happily.  The big difference I see is that since I allow
magicfilter to process all the files, I can use the 'raw' device on the
JetDirect and avoid any processing outside of my control.  My printcap looks 
like (with hostnames changed to help show what's going on):

    laser|HP Laserjet 2 on JetDirect

My ljet2-filter is a simple hack of one of the filters provided with the
magicfilter package, which implements some local preferences.

Note that I'm using a "bounce queue" in lprng lingo to have this machine do
magicfilter processing, and then bounce the file over to the JetDirect unit.
All my other hosts send their jobs to this machine for processing, and this
is the only Linux host that talks directly to the printer.  The Win95 boxes
all send to the printer directly, which works great since the JetDirect can
happily interleave jobs from the different protocol stacks.


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