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PPP doesn't like anyone but root???

Ok, I give up.  I've tried everything I can think of -- including reading 
the instructions.  I still cannot get PPP to work for anyone other than root.

I have put my userid in the /etc/group file as a member of group dialout 
and made sure that the modem device (/dev/ttyS0) is owned by group dialout.
However, after the chat script finishes and the connection is made, I get 
the following messages in /var/adm/ppp.log and everything dies!

pppd[300]: Serial connection established.
pppd[300]: ioctl(PPPIOCGUNIT): Operation not permitted
pppd[300]: ioctl(PPPIOCGDEBUG): Operation not permitted
pppd[300]: Exit.

What trivial piece of the installation have I messed up this time? 


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