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Re: InfoMagic's new LDR

> > provide a consistency check for complete CD's, so that companies like
> > InfoMagic can easily check what they press.  I have the impression the
> Eric, I suspect you are correct.  I do have a tendancy to over-react to 
> bad situations.  What kind of consistency check would we need to 
> provide?  Something to read the Package file and verify that all packages 
> were there and also read all the directories and verify all packages were 
> listed in the Package file?  Would something like that be enough?

Even better would be a tool for the end user with ftp/http capability
to compare his CD against the current image over the internet and
pick up any updates automatically.  How about something that built
a symlink tree on the HD with all symlinks initially pointing to the
CD copy of each file, then using a directory with timestamps and
CRC's update the files that differ?   You might also want a brute-force
approach that re-read the file's sizes and timestamps at both ends like
the perl mirror program so the same thing would work for other CD
distributions that didn't have a matching directory file or if you
suspect those files are corrupt.

Les Mikesell

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