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Re: Hanging diald connections

On Mon, 12 May 1997, Christian Lynbech wrote:

> But if I subsequently tried to connect to that particular host, the
> link would start up as normal, but the program would just hang and get
> nowhere. Killing the application and trying again, or trying the
> application from another shell (after the link had come up) worked
> fine, as did connecting to another host, most likely because the
> nameserver query would bring the link up before the actual
> communication took place.

	I have the same problem: if i start with "ftp somehost"  somehost
actually being in my local name server cache the link comes up but ftp
just hangs there. The same goes on for the DES cracking client (which is

	Are you using PPP with a dynamically assigned address ?
	I suspect that the first packet gets sent with the "FROM" IP
address being that of the serial device and not the address that was
assigned to the PPP link when it came up.
	I currently consider this to be a diald bug or at least a severe
limitation. Maybe someone knows how to deal with it ?

Francois Gouget
fgouget@club-internet.fr                http://www.mygale.org/05/fgouget/

Wonder what to do with all your spare CPU cycles ! Participate to the DES
cracking challenge with the SolNet team http://www.des.sollentuna.se/

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