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Downloading Debain


I am interested in downloading Debian, but I am running into problems...

I am running Windows NT 4 currently, and have tried to download from
ftp.debain.org and ftp.cdrom.com.

The ftp client I am using is CuteFTP v1.8

The problem is that I can not download the "links" to the actual files (all
the the *.deb files)

How can I remedy this?  I would like to downlaod the whole directory
structure at one time, even though it will take a while...

Where can I find the actual files that I use to install Debian, instead of
just links to the files?

Below, I have included a copy of some of the errors I was getting useing

STATUS:>  Downloading directory cdtool.deb...
COMMAND:> CDW cdtool.deb
          550  cdw cdtool.deb: No such file or directory
ERROR:>   failed to change dir

It does this for all of the links to the .deb files....How can I get them?
I really want to try Debain!  What ftp client should I use?

Thanks for your help...

Dan Battagin

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