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Re: dpkg and shadow [and more]

Thought <krowan@eecs.wsu.edu> writes:

> Is there a way to make dpkg give me a list (output) of ALL the packages
> (installed and not installed) along with their descriptions?  Even just
> the short one-liner descriptions?

less /var/lib/dpkg/available


> Ok, here's another question about shadow..

Sorry, can't help here.


> Here's a quick question: Why is my /home g+s staff?
> drwxrwsr-x   4 root     staff        1024 Mar 19 23:05 /home/

I think it's so that people who aren't root but are in group staff can
make arbitrary directories under /home, and others can modify them;
but I don't know why you'd want that.

> Here's another quick question:  I have an Iomega Zip drive,

Unfortunately I don't. :-(


> Oh, I'd just like to mention that setting up tty-snoops to automatically
> snoop ttyp1 on tty7 (virtual console 7) all the way through ttyp6/tty12 is
> REALLY handy!  I can spy on peoples with a press of a buttons! :)

Just remember this is only for the people wearing white hats... ;-)

> One of the main reasons I'm using zsh is because I love it's command
> completion and expansion behaviour, for example, **/* for every directory
> and subdirectory and everything within.  I often use grep "something"
> **/*.  My question is, is there a way to either remove the actual
> directories from the listing, or mute the "grep: blah: Is a directory"
> message?

grep "something" **/*(.)

Read zshexpn(1).  Now read it again, because you definitely didn't
pick everything up the first time through.

When you think you understand that, try the Extended Completion part
of zshcompctl(1).


> Anyway, that's it for today.....Well, for this morning at least...  Well
> untill I reboot, okay?? :)  Thanks again everyone

It's just as well Linux doesn't need to be rebooted often!

                Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

		 "Double, double, toil and trouble, /
		   Fire burn and cauldron bubble."

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