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Debian-1.2.3 and libc5 problems

We've been puting Debian 1.2 onto a couple of machines and have
run into a major snag.  Neither of these machines had linux
installed on them prior to this, so this was not an upgrade.
After doing the base installation from floppies we ran into
troubles with libc5 dependancies.  (Incedentally, both the people
that I was helping liked the debian installation and had little
trouble with the initall base installation compaired to an
earlier failed atempt to install a redhat distribution.)

The problem seems to be associated with the upgrade from 1.2.2 to
1.2.3 that happened at our favorite mirror on Jan 19.  We did the
base install on one machine on the 17 and 18th.  No major
problems.  After getting the network up, we used dselect and ftp
to do a full installation.

We started the second installation on the 18th and continued on
the 19th.  Again, we used dselect and ftp access mode to install.
The directories that we used on the archive were stable, non-free
and contrib.  Now, when the archive went from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3, the
stable symlink was changed (as it should have been).  When we
went back to finish installing the rest of the system after the
1.2.2 -> 1.2.3 change, we had troubles.  Debian 1.2.2 included
libc5_5.4.13-1.deb as does Debian 1.2.3.  But, because a number
of the packages in 1.2.3 pre-depends on libc5 (>= 5.4.17-1), a
number of packages were marked for removal.

We've worked around this problem by s using Debian-1.2.2 rather
than stable for the dselect ftp directory.  I'll check to see if
the libc5 problem is a known bug and if not I'll submit a bug

Regards, Mike

Michael A. Miller                              miller5@uiuc.edu
  Nuclear Physics Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  PGP public key available on request

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