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Re: Anyone know about AMD K5Pxxx processors?

>>>>> "Syrus" == Syrus Nemat-Nasser <syrus@UCSD.EDU> writes:

    Syrus> Hello.  I'm considering a desktop upgrade for my home, and
    Syrus> I'm wondering if any of you know how the AMD chips perform
    Syrus> under Linux.  Specifically, I'm interested in the AMD
    Syrus> K5P133 verses a Pentium 100 or 120.  I've read that the FPU
    Syrus> speed does not measure up, but that the card just rips with
    Syrus> integer operations.  I'm interested in fast video and fast
    Syrus> loading of large apps mostly.

    Syrus> Any opinions?

If you buy one, make sure you get a CPU fan for it, or you may not
have it very long. ;-)

But seriously, I have an AMD-K5 PR133 and am quite satisfied with it
(aside from the noise of the CPU fan).  Large apps load quickly.  Fast
video is more a function of the display card (and the quality of the
display card driver), but with my S3 Trio 64+ (cheap) video is
acceptable, but it is that with a Pentium 90 as well.

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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