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init problems

I am still having problems with init.  My computer is up to date with
unstable.  sysvinit was one of the many things that got upgraded in a
flurry last week.  Now, programs that don't put themselves in the
background get killed before the gettys are started.  For example, the
software watchdog and slattach.  I have tried putting these in
/etc/init.d/ (in an appropriate format) and in /etc/rc.boot/.  In both
cases they get killed.  For watchdog, I am using the unmodified script
from the distribution, and it still doesn't work.  I have tried using
nohup, but this does not help.  Does anyone have any suggestions.  If
not, I will have to downgrade sysvinit.

----==-- _                     / /  \         
---==---(_)__  __ ____  __    / / /\ \	            - edwalter@usa.net
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \         - walter@chem.wisc.edu   
-=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  /______\ \ \  - edwalter@students.wisc.edu
   http://www.linux.org     \_________\/

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