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cpio WAS: Rearranging partitions

 > Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 00:29:32 -0000
 > From: Nelson Posse Lago <listas2@that.com.br>
 > To: Martin Stromberg <Martin.Stromberg@lu.erisoft.se>
 > Message-Id: <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.91.961101221610.24011A-100000@fall.that.com.br>
 > In-Reply-To: <199611010805.JAA01905@epsilon.lu.erisoft.se>

 > Subject: Rearranging partitions WAS: Re: Question??

 > find ./ | grep -v /mnt/ | cpio -pdmv /mnt

Thank you!  Wonderful syntax, and demo of several nuances that have 
escaped me until this day.  I got out the man pages for grep and cpio, 
and decoded the above, to learn how it does what I correctly intuited it 
would do.

Could you briefly summarize why cp -a or tar -cvf are inappropriate or 
less functional?  Can an unmounted(*1) root filesystem be successfully 
mirrored, identical to the original, on a target partition with a new 
filesystem -- using cp -a or the tar -cvf (*2) method?

Christopher W. Hafey
tingri@ntplx.net               | 1078 New Britain Ave Apt 217
WA1TNR since 1974              | W Hartford Ct USA 06110-2434
http://www.ntplx.net/~tingri   | tel. 860-236-5400
(*1) mounted on /mnt or anywhere but /, I meant
(*2) and corresponding tar -xvf method, to extract as target


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