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Re: cannot compile 2.1.5 due to /usr/include/linux being in libc5-dev

> On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, Philippe Troin wrote:
> Almost every kernel that have looked in (including 2.0.x) looks in
> /usr/include.

This is wrong.
> Anytime a file needs an include file it it referenced lise this:
> #include <linux/whatever.h>
> This is /usr/include/linux/whatever.h.  It is assumed by Linus,
> et. al., that /usr/include/linux, /usr/include/asm, and
> /usr/include/asm-i386 will all be symlinks to the actual kernel
> source.

I just checked the source tree for 2.0.21, and what it does is sets a 
variable HPATH in the makefile to be ${TOPDIR}/include, where ${TOPDIR} 
is the current working directory from which make was run.  It then adds 
-I${HPATH} to the CC variable, so that if I had my Linux source tree in 
/var/tmp/linux (which I do), it would search /var/tmp/linux/include/linu
x for whatever.h before even looking in /usr/include/linux.  It is my 
understanding that the kernel sources are designed to be as independant 
of the system header files as possible, and tries to make no 
assumptions about what, or where, the standard system headers are.

>  The only solution for me has been to move the offender out of
> the way and temporarily create the expected symlinks while I compile
> the kernel and then put everything back when I am done.  I have put
> this in a script since I try to keep up with the 2.1.x kernels and
> have to compile somewhat frequently, but this is still kind of a
> pain.  Maybe someone else can tink of some better solution/compromise.

I haven't gone to 2.1 yet (the horror stories of device drivers 
crashing because of the memory management reorganization scare me), so 
I don't know if things have changed in this regard.

> Erv

     Buddha Buck                      bmbuck@acsu.buffalo.edu
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