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Re: cannot compile 2.1.5 due to /usr/include/linux being in libc5-dev

On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, Philippe Troin wrote:


> This is a long story and it generated a lot of discussions here.
> The consensus is that it's better for user-level programs to be compiled with the same set of kernel file than libc was compiled with.
> Obviously, if you want to compile your own kernel-level stuff that's a problem. But the kernel itself shouldn't look in /usr/include. I wasn't aware that 2.1 was looking here. Hmmm.

Almost every kernel that have looked in (including 2.0.x) looks in

Anytime a file needs an include file it it referenced lise this:

#include <linux/whatever.h>

This is /usr/include/linux/whatever.h.  It is assumed by Linus,
et. al., that /usr/include/linux, /usr/include/asm, and
/usr/include/asm-i386 will all be symlinks to the actual kernel
source.  The only solution for me has been to move the offender out of
the way and temporarily create the expected symlinks while I compile
the kernel and then put everything back when I am done.  I have put
this in a script since I try to keep up with the 2.1.x kernels and
have to compile somewhat frequently, but this is still kind of a
pain.  Maybe someone else can tink of some better solution/compromise.


----==-- _                     / /  \         
---==---(_)__  __ ____  __    / / /\ \	            - edwalter@usa.net
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \         - walter@chem.wisc.edu   
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   http://www.linux.org     \_________\/

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