[Question] Debian 1.1 Installation
I am interested in installing Debian on a 486 machine. This machine does
not have a CDROM drive so I will have to download the whole package and
install it from floppies/ftp. Here is my situation; I will be connecting
the 486 on Ethernet to an NT box. I would like download all the packages
that I need on to that NT box and ftp those packages to the Linux Debian
machine. Basically, I would like to install the Debian base installation
using a minimum floppies. So my question is; What exactly do I need
besdies the 3 base disks, 1 boot disk and 1 root disk to get the Debian
machine talking to the NT machine using FTP.
My 2nd question/problem is that yesterday I was on the ftp.debian.org site
to download the latest disks. I went in the
/debian/debian-1.1.11/disks-i386 directory but I couldn't find the floppy
images under make-floppies (which seems to be a script). I would like to
get the latest _stable_ Debian package. I was wondering if someone could
point me to the correct directory on ftp.debian.org to grab this from. If
this is a stupid question which is in a fAQ somewhere, please point me to
that. I have been on www.debian.org and their instructions seem to be for
version 1.1. I would like version 1.1 with the latest fixes/upgrades.
i appreciate any help that you can provide me here or thru email.
Thanks in advance,
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