Re: lyx
>> Has anyone got the word processor 'lyx' up and running? It
>> depends, amongst other things, on 'xforms'. What is xforms, and
>> where is it located?
I have. I got xforms off the Debian ftp site int the contrib directory.
$ dpkg -s xforms
Package: xforms
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: contrib
Maintainer: Michael Meskes <>
Version: 0.81-2
Depends: libc5 (>= 5.2.18)
Description: GUI Toolkit for X Window Systems
Forms Library is a graphical user interface toolkit based on Xlib
for X Window Systems. It comes with a rich set of objects such as
buttons, browsers, sliders and menus integrated into an elegant
event/object callback execution model that allows fast and easy
construction of X applications. The library consists of a flexible
set of C-routines that can be used in C and C++ programs.
Installed-Size: 378
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