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STB Powegraph graphics card problem (was:HELP: Probs configuring X)

 Justin> Ok, X works ok, with one annoying problem: Down the left hand side of
 Justin> the screen is a fairly narrow(~.25 inch) band of increased intensity
 Justin> that makes anything that fall within it unreadable. This occurs in all
 Justin> video modes with resolutions higher than 640x480.

 Justin> My hardware: STB Powergraph 64 Video(S3 Trio64V+ Chipset) MAG DX17F
 Justin> Monitor(30-64kHz Horizontal, 50-100Hz Vertical)

Me too, same problem with the same card (on a Gateway2000). Not the same
monitor though. And no, playing with the XF86Config parameters for hsync
doesn't help much. The best I could do was with this:

Vendor: Gateway2000, Model: Vivitron 1572
Num hsync: 1, Num vsync: 1
hsync range 0:  31.50 -  64.00
vsync range 0:  50.00 - 120.00
"944x750"      73.00    944  944 1064 1184    750  753  768  785

I still get a 2mm brighter line on the left, so that's where I put Goodstuff
buttons and Icons, and put Emacs safely on the right.

Not the solution, just a way to survive (the alternative was to switch back to
Windblows, can you imagine?)


		Jean Orloff
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+Tel:(33)   Fax:(33)  http://lapphp0.in2p3.fr/~orloff/ +
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"The pedestrian had no idea which way to run, so I ran over him."
True accident report, from the Toronto News on July 26, 1977.
+++++++++	+	+	+	+	+	+	+	++++++

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