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Re: printing and .profile problems

In article <[🔎] 199608070619.XAA22110@primenet.com>,
chris beamis <beamis@primenet.com> wrote:
>2. another problem, which I didn't have under Slackware, is using a .profile
>in the user's home area. I have just one line in it, "alias 'lo'=exit" which
>has always worked before but the lo commanded doesn't get recognized. I also
>tried renaming the file to .login but still no luck. Any ideas?

Check if there's a file called ".bash_profile" in the user's home
directory (there probably will be; it's the default).  If so, then
bash will execute that when you start a login shell, and ignore the
.profile.  Try sticking the alias in ".bash_profile" or ".bashrc".

>Thanks in advance for any help.

No problem, hope it helps.
M a l c . . .             |  "We've checked, and it's definitely not a bug.
(malc@thing.demon.co.uk)  |  It's fixed in the new release."  -- Help line.

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