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Re: X not allowed by user other than root

In article <[🔎] Pine.SGI.3.91.960426115310.12577A-100000@charlie.acc.iit.edu> you write:
>  Further information:
>the ~/.xsession_errors file has the following line in it:
>exclusive open for tmp_name failed in m4_defs: Permission denied

This message is from fvwm. It is printed just before it exits. This is
probably what's causing your X to die.

It is attempting to open a file in /tmp called fvwmrcXXXXXX (with the Xs
filled in with some stuff to make it unique). Only, the file
probably already exists.  Make sure no-one is using fvmw, and
delete all /tmp/fvmwrc* files/directories, and try again.

Then again, it may just be an old error message that got left
over from a previous session. *shrug*.


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