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Re: bigger, sexier, more phly debian...

At 08:44 AM 4/18/96 +0200, you wrote:
>masoto@uniandes.edu.co (Martin Alonso Soto Jacome)  wrote on 17.04.96 in
<[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.91.960417091836.3726C-100000@naoma.uniandes.edu.co>:
>> I think Java can be ported to whatever graphics system is available.  It
>> would even be possible to develop a X protocol extension allowing client
>> apps to send Java programs to the X server in order to be executed
>> directly there.  That would make execution of Java very efficient, even
>> across very slow connections, and wouldn't need a complete rework of X,
>> only a protocol extension that can be added without modifying the big and
>> complex core of the windowing system.
>Anyway, I agree that it's not a Debian concern - at least as long as  
>there's nothing to package. So we should probably take it off the list.

The Debian concern here is a more attractive and intuitive graphical install
system. Whether a graphical install has any advantages over the obvious
asthetic ones is another question.

What about just using SVGAlib?


Ean Schuessler                 -     Director New Products/New Technologies
Novare International, Inc.     -     The unstoppable fist of digital action

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