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Re: Mirror programs

  Harald Schueler writes:
  Harald>  On Tue, 31 Oct 1995 Dirk.Eddelbuettel@qed.econ.queensu.ca wrote:
  Ian> * Does it consume huge amounts of system resources ?
  Dirk> As emacs or gcc.
  Harald>  I use mirror-2.3 for over a year now, and while it works very well
  Harald> for me, my experience with resource consumption is a little bit
  Harald> different. On my computer mirror keeps consuming more and more
  Harald> memory during the transfer. When I mirror a linux distribution for
  Harald> the first time, mirror needs huge amounts of swap space (more than
  Harald> 60 MBytes, I can not say exactly how much, because mirror died
  Harald> before completing the task). This is not a real problem, because
  Harald> you can always run mirror again and eventually it will have
  Harald> completed, but I have to ulimit the memory available to mirror, to
  Harald> keep the system usable.

Well, frankly, I wouldn't do it that way in the first place.  

If I am to do an initial mirroring, ie when I have _no_ files yet from the
remote computer on my local computer, I would simply use "ncftp" with the
recursive option, ie "get -R /some/dir/".

Mirror is appropriate for keeping to directories up-to-date. 

  Harald> I would like to know if I am the only one with this experience, or
  Harald> if this is a memory leak in my Perl (4.036, from Slackware 2.2 or
  Harald> 2.3).

I initially got 2.3 for myself, had some troubles, switched to 2.8, used it
for a while and then packaged it. I keep a partial mirror of ftp.debian.org
(around 110 MB). I runs at night via cron, but while I configured it I also
ran it "by hand" a couple of times. Never used more than 5 or so MB according
to top. 

Dirk.Eddelbuettel@qed.econ.queensu.ca          http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd 

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