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	Troquei minha velha placa de video, Trident 9680, por uma nVideo TNT2. Para
fazer um teste fiz o download de um video, de 2,3 Mb, e quando fui reproduzir
com o mplayer, mplayer -vo x11, apareceu as seguintes mensagens :

MPlayer 0.60-2.95.4 (C) 2000-2002 Arpad Gereoffy (see DOCS!)

         **** Your system is too SLOW to play this!  ****
!!! Possible reasons, problems, workaround: 
- Most common: broken/buggy _audio_ driver. workaround: try -ao sdl or use
  ALSA 0.5 or oss emulation of ALSA 0.9. read DOCS/sound.html for more tipps!
- Slow video output. try different -vo driver (for list: -vo help) or try
  with -framedrop !  Read DOCS/video.html for video tuning/speedup tipps.
- Slow cpu. don't try to playback big dvd/divx on slow cpu! try -hardframedrop
- Broken file. try various combinations of these: -nobps  -ni  -mc 0  -forceidx
If none of these apply, then read DOCS/bugreports.html !

	O segundo problema eh que a uma defasagem entre o som e a imagem. O som fica
adiantado em relacao ao video.

[ ]'s
  *******************    .''`.
* idic@terra.com.br  *  : :'  :
* GNU/Linux Debian   *  `. `'`
  *******************     `-
Key fingerprint = F9F6 F9CC 3DDD 27B5 B3A4  517E 3B38 EC8E 6FC4 89C9

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	razoes financeiras.
		-- Woody Allen 

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