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Re: Vorhandenen Server auf VMWare Server übertragen?

Hallo Olaf

Ich würde einen ganz anderen Weg gehen, den traditionellen UNIX Weg
(ufsdump und ufsrestore auf Solaris)

# apt-cache show dump
Description: 4.4bsd dump and restore for ext2 filesystems
 Dump examines files on a filesystem and determines which files need to be
 backed up.  These files are copied to the given disk, tape or other storage
 medium for safe keeping.
 The restore command performs the inverse function of dump.  A full backup of
 a file system may be restored and subsequent incremental backups layered on
 top of it.  Single files and directory subtrees may be restored from full or
 partial backups.

Falls du davon nicht begeister bist, so suche mal nach
Physical-to-Virtual + Linux - dazu gibt es ne Menge Tutorial in der
Vmware Community.

XMPP: sjolle@swissjabber.org

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