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welches Programm macht sowas? haben will

Ich hatte gerade an eine Adresse ...@php.net eine eMail geschrieben und hab darauf untenstehende Antwort bekommen. Welches Programm hat dies gemacht?!? Würd ich gern auch bei mir mal ausprobieren ;)

Danke! Ralph

hier die automatische Antwort:

This is an automatic reply to an email you sent to a PHP project
mailing address protected by our 'self-moderation' system. To reduce
the amount of spam received at these addresses, we require you to
confirm that you're a real person before your email will be allowed

All you have to do in order to have your original message sent is
send an email to confirm@php.net with the following text (square
brackets and all):

[confirm: 5364fe75e86760rf38b0a35re5241za98 ralph@dasralph.de]

which you should be able to do simply by replying to this email.
(Don't worry, any leading text added for quoting will simply be

After we have received your confirmation, "ralph@dasralph.de"
will be added to the list of pre-approved mail addresses for all of
the PHP project mail addresses, your original message will be
delivered, and future emails from that address will be delivered
without delay automatically.

You will not receive any confirmation of your confirmation -- your
original message (and any other messages you have sent since then)
will simply be sent to its original destination (possibly after a
short delay).

Sorry for the hassle, but the volume of unsolicited commercial email
sent to these addresses has made this step necessary.

--- Your original email is below.

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